Create Stylish Spaces With Nourison Rugs

If you’re looking for a stylish way to add elegance and flair to any space, Nourison area rugs are the ideal solution. Available in a wide variety of sizes, styles, and colors, these beautiful rugs will take your home’s aesthetic to a whole new level. Designed with elegance and comfort in mind, our Nourison rug range will enhance any room, adding a pop of color, an eye-catching design, and a luxurious feel underfoot. Forming a focal point in your living room or enhancing the appeal of your patio or decking, these rugs are sure to impress and delight in equal measure.


    Whether you’re keen to maintain a minimalist aesthetic in your home or whether you’re eager to embrace vibrancy with bright colors and eye-catching designs, you’ll find Nourison area rugs in our collection to suit your taste. We have everything from neutral shades and earthy tones to bold hues and striking patterns that will look amazing in any and every space.


    From statement floor coverings to subtle room enhancements that add texture and warmth, we have Nourison rug sizes to suit every space. Our 12’ x 18’ rugs are large enough to make an impact in even the largest living room, while our 2’ x 3’ rugs are the perfect size for decorating small nurseries, bedrooms or home offices. We also stock a selection of stylish runners in a wide choice of lengths to perfectly suit your hallway. There’s no better way to create the right first impression from the moment visitors walk through your door than with one of our stunning floor coverings.


    From the contemporary to the classic, you’ll find Nourison rug styles in our selection to complement your home’s aesthetic or perhaps provide the ideal contrast. You can select from single colors, geometric patterns, abstract designs, bold florals or rugs that take their inspiration from vintage themes. Whether your home embraces a traditional look or whether you’ve opted for an ultra-modern feel in your spaces, we’re confident that we’ve got just what you’re looking for in our range.


    Caring for your new flooring is easy with Nourison. Among our collection you’ll discover convenient washable solutions that can be cleaned in your washing machine for speedy and simple maintenance. The Nourison range comprises a variety of high-quality materials ranging from cotton, polyester, or wool blends to hard-wearing jute, cowhide or polypropylene so you can effortlessly create the effect that you desire. We also have rug pads to keep your rug firmly in place.


    Not only do we stock an enormous collection of Nourison rugs to grace your home interiors, we also boast an impressive range of Nourison floor coverings that are suitable for use outdoors. Enhance your patio, decking, or back yard with one of our lovely propylene rugs designed specifically for exterior usage. Available in a choice of sizes, shades, and shapes, these exterior rugs represent an ideal way to breathe new life into your outdoor spaces and create a cozy welcoming feel so that you can make the most of the indoor/outdoor living trend. They’re even a breeze to clean. Just spray with your garden hose to remove dirt and grime and keep them looking pristine all year round.

    1 We place your order directly with the manufacturer using our wholesale account so you get fantastic pricing!
    2 We put your name as the pickup person and email you as soon as your order is ready to be picked up.
    3 Upon arrival at the store, give your order number and pick up your order hassle free - everything will already be paid for!

    What if the warehouse closest to you doesn’t have the item you have selected in stock?

    They can usually bring it in within a few days. If the manufacturer is willing to do this as a courtesy we will pass on that courtesy to you.  If there are any fees for this we will let you know so you can decide.  We always find out the exact timeline and email you to confirm if that is okay. If that doesn’t work for you then you will get a 100% refund. If it does, we proceed and email you when it is ready for pickup.

    Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any pickup questions toll free at
    1-877-426-1500 or email us at